Recommend IbadaLive and
earn up to $250 per sale!

Invite your friends to join IbadaLive and you can earn up to 50% of the sales made through your recommendations.

How does it work?

As an affiliate, you will have the opportunity to share our products worldwide with a unique link. You’ll earn a commission between 10 – 50% on each subscription purchased via your link.


Join the program and get your own referral link. You’ll earn a commission if someone subscribes to our services via your link.


The more you promote your referral link, the more likely you are to earn commissions. Download our KIT to help you create articles, videos or advertisements.
Get Paid

Get Paid

Each subscription made from your referral link gives you the right to earn between 10 – 50% on each billing period. The commission only stops if the subscription is discontinued.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Obtaining you referral link is easy! If you already have an account, head over to this link: If you don’t have a IbadaLive account, you’ll have to activate one on our platform. To do so, we invite you to create your account for free. Once your free account is active, you can head over to our affiliate page by following this link:

To install your link, simply copy/paste it from your affiliate interface. It looks something like this: “”. You can then easily add it to an article on your blog, an image on which you can click, or by posting the link on your social networks. If you need help, our team is here to help you.

How to obtain my commission?

This compensation system works on a performance basis. The more you work on your content (articles, videos, forums, etc.), the more likely it is to generate visits and clicks. You will be able to make a withdrawal as soon as you have reached a minimum of $100 from your affiliate space. To do this, simply click on the “Request a withdrawal” button. Payments will be made via provided payment options.

Who is this program for?
The affiliate program is open to anyone.
Why does IbadaLive offer this program?

For us it’s a win-win program! It allows you to earn commissions and allows us to share our services with people who may not know about us yet.

Authorised: article on your blog, press release, forum link, e-mailing, share on social media, etc. /On demand: creation of a Youtube video, implementation of a display campaign or paid optimisation of your social media publications. /Prohibited: ads on Adwords, cashback platforms, promotion of our solution on racist, defamatory or pornographic website. IbadaLive also reserves the right to ask you to remove any content that is contrary to the company’s values, image or the legislation applicable in Tanzania.

Go ahead, earn money by referring your friends!