Your Radio Station
on Mixcloud Live
With MixCloud now claiming to have over 20 millions users per month, you should consider getting your Radio Station on the MixCloud platform.
With MixCloud now claiming to have over 20 millions users per month, you should consider getting your Radio Station on the MixCloud platform.
MixCloud recently announced that it would be supporting a ‘Live’ format, meaning that users can now broadcast live content on their platform, calling it MixCloud Live.
Not only have they opened up their platform to live broadcasting, but a great result for Radio Stations was their announcement that they would be covering royalty and licensing fees for all content which is broadcast on their platform. This is a great result for Radio Stations looking for alternatives to Facebook Live and YouTube Live who do not entertain Radio Stations broadcasting music on their platform.
IbadaLive are in a position to get your Radio Station broadcasting on the MixCloud Live platform regardless of where you already broadcast and who is your streaming provider.Not only will we broadcast your existing audio stream, but we’ll convert your Radio Station into a TV station and include items such as the Now Playing song titles, cover art or artist images, your Radio Stations logo, slogan (or tagline) and also a live ticker feature which you can configure in realtime to interact with your listeners.
If you’re ready to reach a new audience via MixCloud, then you can sign up to our MixCloud Live service and we’ll take your existing Radio Stations stream and convert it to a TV channel and have you broadcasting live on MixCloud in no time!
Don’t have a current audio stream and want to take advantage of broadcasting live on MixCloud and have your licensing covered? No problem, just get in touch and we can help.
We’ll build and publish your TV App for your Radio Station with NO upfront development or setup costs, just a small monthly fee to cover hosting and operational costs.
No setup/development costs
Monetise by showing adverts
Easy setup/submission process
News/Info Ticker
Frequently Asked Questions
Simply create your account with us, select the MixCloud LIVE service, and submit the info.