Post your Radio Stations songs to Telegram

IbadaLive has a service that can post all of your radio stations songs to your Telegram chat.

Telegram is a messaging app and has over 500 million monthly active users and is one of the 10 most downloaded apps in the world. Telegram group chats can have up to 200,000 members and now you can automatically send your Now Playing info to your Telegram Chat.

If you have a Telegram chat for your listeners, why not let them know what you are playing on your radio station and include “Listen Live” links to direct them to your audio stream.

We will post all the songs “Now Playing” on your station along with a message of your choice and even post the cover art or artist image with each song posted.


How does it work?

All you need to do is sign up, then connect your Telegram group (instructions provided) and enter your streaming server, from where we get the name of the songs you are playing and that’s it!

Get Started

Simply signup, select the Twitter Auto Post service, create an account and submit the info.